Find Out If Your Business Qualifies For R&D Tax Credits

Since you landed at this quiz, you’re likely looking for guidance on how your business activities may qualify for research and development (R&D) tax credits. That’s great, because today is the perfect time to start exploring these tax credits further.

As technology continues to innovate and drive the marketplace, R&D tax credit regulations have opened up to new definitions of a qualifying research activity. R&D tax credit rules and regulations now include a wide-range of research and development activities that most every business partakes in.

The R&D tax credit could result in hundreds of thousands of dollars in total tax savings for your business. R&D refunds are directly related to how businesses are now generating money to put back into future R&D innovation — a necessity to remain competitive.

Answer the following five questions and statements to the best of your knowledge to discover if your business activities qualify for the R&D tax credit.

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