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Advantages of a CTI partnership


All-Star Expert Team

of legal, engineering, science, accounting & finance


Proactive Management

with personal engagement to secure unequaled returns


Client Retention

as control of the relationship remains in your hands


Flexible Methodology

founded on a framework configurable to you and your clients' needs


Dashboard Reporting

with 24x7 access to clients’ tax project data in real-time


Workflow Automation

to optimize efficiencies with secure, in-house software

Partner of Choice for Maximizing Tax Credits

To provide the comprehensive service your clients expect from a CPA, you need tax specialists on your side.

Read Guide

How to determine if clients can benefit

  • During COVID-19, business revenue decreased
  • Annual employee hires > 750
  • Employee training ( > 40 trainees in a single state)
  • Operations in a federal, state, or local enterprise zone
  • Product, process, or software development or improvement
  • Technique, formula, or invention design or enhancement
  • Property acquisition/leasehold improvements > $500K
  • Disruption to businesses affected by COVID-19
  • Annual military hires > 75 (US hires only)
  • New job creation ( > 25 jobs in a single state)
  • Operations expansion, consolidation, or relocation
  • Research & development spending > $250K
  • Active tax audits: income, sales, or property tax
  • Major capital expenditures ( > $1M in any single location)
Their competency exceeds any national CPA firm due to their specialization, and they are very professional and trustworthy.
Anthony Mancini, CPA, Frank, Rimerman + Co. LLP